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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Pump Games Recap: Event 2

In addition to the four scheduled WODs - two Saturday, two Sunday - there was a floater WOD that you could do at any time over the course of the weekend.  It was a short workout, only two minutes and 15 seconds long.  You had one minute to bang out as many bench press reps as you could at one of two weights depending on your division.  The heavier the weight, the more points you were awarded for each rep.  After a 15 second break, you had one minute to do as many reps as you could of a gymnastics move.  Burpees were worth half a point each, pull-ups were worth one point, chest to bar pull-ups were worth two points, and muscle-ups were worth four.


I went with the lightest scaled women's weight - 65lbs - and pull-ups.  I knew I'd only get a handful of reps in at 85lbs, so it wouldn't have made sense strategically.  As it was, I didn't get in as many bench press reps as I'd hoped (~15 I think).  I was probably still tired from the first WOD.  The pull-ups went well, though.  I did 15 unbroken (a new PR) and then another four before I ran out of time.  

My crew was wise to get over with when we did.  The line was always long, and it would have been rough trying to squeeze this in on Sunday when the soreness set in.

-Gym Belle-

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