Hawaii WODs
I got home last night from a fantastic week in Hawaii. Below is a recap of my vacation WODs, most of which were devised by my vacation-buddy, Amylynne. The big take-aways for me were: 1) You really can get a good WOD in anywhere... especially if you don't mind getting funny looks at the hotel gym; 2) I really need to re-learn consistent double-unders. No excuses. My best was 40+ in a row. I at least need that back; 3) I can kip like a mofo on a regular pull-up bar --- but put me on a different bar (i.e. smith machine, assisted pull-up machine) and my grip is non-existent. Need to step that up; 4) Bring liquid chalk.
Day 1:
20 min AMRAP of 10 pull-ups, 10 pistols, 10 man-maker push-ups (6+ rounds)
Annie (50-40-30-20-10 reps of double-unders and sit-ups) (18+ --- gotta re-learn double-unders! The first 25 were perfect... and then I fell apart. I have bruises from the whip-marks.)
Quick mini hike and horseback riding!
Day 2:
2 rounds for time of: 800m run, 30 dumbbell cleans (20# each), 30 burpees (21 something)
Day 3:
Dumbbell bench 5x3 @ 35#
5 rounds for time: 15 dumbbell power cleans (20# each), 21 pull-ups (21 something)
Day 4
I took a rest day... with a 4mi volcano hike!
Day 5
10 min AMRAP of 30 double-unders, 30 sit-ups (3+ rounds - uugh - double-unders!)
4x 400m treadmill sprints at 9mph (I crapped out on the last one part way through. Let's blame the treadmill.)
3 rounds NFT of 20 dumbbell snatches (10 each arm), 5 strict pull-ups
Day 6
4x3 smith machine backsquats at an unknown weight (120 in plates + ??? for the bar)
800m run followed by 20 burpees, 50 walking lunges, 50 hand release push-ups, 50 sit-ups down to 12 burpees, 10 walking lunges, 10 hand release push-ups, 10 sit-ups (34:37)