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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Entries in Out & About (29)


Up, Up and Away!

Tackling the Brooklyn Bridge wallYesterday, I took the day off from WODing to play a bit.  The plan had been to go hiking, but because it looked like it might rain, my friend and I hit up Brooklyn Boulders for some indoor climbing instead.  I'm pretty sure that I had only attempted a climbing wall once before, and I'm pretty sure that was in high school.  So this was new territory for me.

We started the day with a bouldering class, where we learned the basics of how to climb the color-coded routes.  For the lower climbs (10-15 feet), you don't wear a harness; you either jump down or climb back down.  (Or fall.)  The floor is thickly padded.  

Amazingly enough, I was able to make it to the top of several of the easiest routes right off the bat.  I really enjoyed being able to use my strength in a different way, and getting to the top of something is pretty gratifying.

I was surprised by how mental climbing walls are.  Each route is like a puzzle, and figuring out your next move before your forearms give out can be pretty challenging.  It was awesome.

After messing around with the lower walls for a while, we got harnesses and tried the auto-belay routes, which were significantly higher.  The rope took some of the strain off because until you start to fall, it tugs you upward a bit.  And zipping back down was very fun.  I didn't make it all the way up on these routes, but that was totally mental.  Even with the harness, the height was somewhat freaky.  Next time, I'm getting all the way up for sure, though!

As the day went on, the gym filled up with people - including lots of little kids.  The kids were amazing.  They quite literally scampered up and down the walls, moving like little spiders, and nailing the harder climbs.  Clearly, human beings were born to climb.  Most of us have just forgotten how.

-Gym Belle-





Brooklyn Boulders and Governors Island

My friend and I had been planning to hike Breakneak Ridge, but with the threat of afternoon thunderstorms, we opted for plan B:

-Gym Belle-


The CrossFit Games 2011 Finals...Live!

Hey all - I'll be live blogging from the games today. This is my very first live blog so cross your fingers!!
Staked out a great spot! Waiting for the women's individuals to start!
Amazing first heat... Katie Hogan moved that sled (+ 275 lbs!) like it was nothing.
Sorry! Got way too into the action to blog. First WOD is done. Annie T. dominated for the women and is now in the #1 spot, followed by Kristen (duh). Josh Bridges killed it and is now in 2nd after Rich.

So, so far at the games I've learned several things:

1. Annie T. is unreal to watch. Just amazing.
2. Chris Spealler could do a weighted pull-up with me as the weight.
3. I want a six pack at 60.
4. These athletes have heart like no other - pushing till the end, finishing it out after time is up just cause, cheering on the competition - the list just goes on.
5. CrossFit fans rock. The crowd support here is truly phenomenal.

Almost time for the masters!
The masters were awesome. So so inspiring. Now we're a few minutes away from the team finals. They decided to wipe the slate clean for the top 6 teams, so whoever wins this last relay will win. I don't know how I would feel about that as a competitor but it will make this a very exciting event!
It has been an amazing but very long day at the Home Depot Center. The sun has been STRONG! It's been worth it, though. The final events did not disappoint.

CFNE totally crushed the other teams, finishing minutes before the competition. The best part, however, came after time was called when Rocklin CrossFit finished out the WOD just to finish. The crowd went crazy at the 150th wall-ball.

The last individual WOD was especially brutal, but everyone pulled through. It was particularly cool to see Samantha Briggs not only cheer Kristen Clever on after her win, but actually coach her on how to pull the sled more efficiently. This really is the coolest sport ever; no one does community like CrossFit. While on line for my millionth bottle of water, I heard one woman remark that her box isn't her gym; it's her home.

About 30 minutes from now, the closing ceremony will kick off. I hope I have enough camera battery left! All the pictures are/will be on the Gympressions Facebook page. (I'll get some up here soon, too.)


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