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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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« Pump Games Recap: Event 2 | Main | A Few Pictures from Last Weekend's Surprise Lake Hike/Swim »

Pump Games Recap: Event 1


The thing that had me the most nervous about this weekend's Pump Games competition was the backsquats.  The first of five WODs started and ended with 30.  Sandwiched in-between were sit ups and a shuttle run.  The weight for the women's scaled division was 95 lbs.  Ordinarily, I can handle 95 lb backsquats, but this WOD required us to get the weight from the ground to our backs.  I had never cleaned 95 lbs - my max was 85 - and I was anxious about bringing the bar around my head.

The weekend before the competition, I worked up to 73 lbs, practicing the clean, getting it over my head, and some squats.  I felt fine at that weight, but didn't think I could handle much more.  I knew in my heart that 95 lbs was out of the question.  I decided I'd still go to the competition, but that I'd use 70 or 75 lbs and just not have my score count.  


I thought that I had made peace with my decision, but when we arrived at Pump CrossFit Saturday morning, I realized that I had been kidding myself.  I wanted to be in the game for real.

I warmed up to 85 lbs.  85 went up just fine, but I stopped there.  I didn't want to risk a failed rep before the WOD.  I had a new plan.  I would somehow get the 95 lbs up and on my back and get in some reps.  Even if I didn't get through the whole WOD in the 14 minutes allowed, I'd have a score and be in the game.  


The 3-2-1 go came quickly.  Without over-thinking it, I cleaned it up, and got the bar over my head.  It felt awesome.  With that out of the way, I focused on banging out all 30 reps at once, so that I wouldn't have to pick it up again until the end.  Those 95 lbs got heavy quickly.  Soon, my legs were shaking.  Then my whole body.  Then I started feeling like I might pass out.  After 23 reps, I dropped the bar.  

I spent the remainder of the time trying to get that damn bar back on my back.  I tried and I tried and I tried.   At one point, I remember thinking that my continued efforts were a colossal waste of energy at the beginning of a two day event.  The thought was fleeting, though; I had to keep trying.  If nothing else, I wanted those last seven reps.  I did manage to clean it two more times, but I never got it over my head again. 

The crowd was awesome.  The judges were awesome.  And as much as it sucked to suck, it really was one of those warm and fuzzy CrossFit moments.  Everyone was on my side.  Everyone wanted me to get that bar on my back just as much as I did.  And when time was called, I felt pretty good.  I had a legit score, and new clean PR.

-Gym Belle-

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