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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Why The Quiet

Workout involving 45 lb snatchesI know that I've been quiet lately.  It's not for lack of news:

  • I'm officially in training again, both for Fight Gone Bad 6 and the New York City Marathon.  I've joined a marathon team called Solemates, which raises money for Girls on The Run.  
  • I had a really awesome workout last week; I finally felt like I was getting the hang on the snatch.  It may one day surpass the deadlift as my favorite lift.  
  • In a less coordinated moment, I took an 80 push jerk to the nose and, in doing so, strained my shoulder.  More than anything, it's been a wake up call; I need to be working more on mobility, particularly as I step up my training.  
  • On Friday, I'm heading to the CrossFit Games in California which I am beyond excited about.  
  • And, as you may have noticed, I've got new art!  My banner has gotten a facelift, and there are new shirts and things available in my Cafe Press store.  

Earlier this month, though, my grandmother passed away, and I haven't wanted to spend that much time with my thoughts.  Hence, no writing. 

Her death was a true shock.  She never really got old.  She never got sick.  She just didn't wake up one morning.  One day, I will truly appreciate that she never had to suffer.  Right now, though, the suddenness is maddening.  

I wish that I had told her about this blog.  

Blogging was just one of those things that seemed too complicated to be worth explaining to Grandma.  It seemed too techie.  (I probably didn't give her enough credit.  After all, she had a graduate degree, had traveled the world, took current events classes for fun, traded stocks literally until her death, and fooled us all into thinking her memory was far better than it was by jotting down notes on everything that we've only discovered since she passed.)  Also, she never really understood me as an athlete.  My sister was the athlete.  It made sense.  My sister's been running her whole life, and I've only gotten really into working out over the past six or seven years.  Still, it drove me nuts.  I had a visceral reaction every time she was surprised to hear that I was running a race.

Subject matter aside, though, and regardless of whether she ever truly grasped blogging or not, she would have loved to know that I am writing.  She always got me as a writer.  And I will always be grateful for that.

-Gym Belle-

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