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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Gym Belle's ABCs

(Because I'm feeling poetic.)

A's for aerobics like mom used to do.
B is for benching, which girls can do, too.
C is cycling in the outdoors.
D is for deadlifts; get that bar off the floor!
E's for endurance; we like to run.
F is for failure, but it’s also for fun.
G's for good mornings to wake up your spine.
H is for handstands, upside-down in a line.
I is for ice when your muscles are sore.
J is for jump ropes; bounce, bounce! Then bounce more.
K is for kettlebells to clean and to swing.
L is for lunges to make your quads sing.
M is for muscle-ups up on the rings.
N is for new; we like trying new things.
O is for overhead, keep your arms straight.
P is for push-ups and pull-ups and plates.
Q is for quality, make every rep fine;
R's for recovery, that just takes time.
S is for squats, so drive out your knees.
T's for Tabata; more intervals, please!
U’s for unstoppable; you’re doing just great;
V’s for virtuosity an admirable trait.
W's for water, please drink a lot;
X is for xeric, and, trust me, you’re not.
Y is for yoga to stretch and get zen.
Z is for zeal to work out again!

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