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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Fight Gone Bad Recap

[This post is nearly a month overdue, but it comes with some awesome visuals courtesy of Baaron.  You can find more of his work, including more Fight Gone Bad pictures, here.]





On September 25, 2010, CrossFit Metropolis participated in Fight Gone Bad, an annual fundraiser that this year raised money for Livestrong, the Wounded Warrior Project and the CrossFit Foundation.  Approximately 30 of us pulled in over $12,000.  (Thank you to everyone who helped me fundraise!)  The global total was an impressive $1,525,934.

On the morning of the event, the gym was packed and the energy was great.  I was particularly excited because   Fight Gone Bad has become one of my favorite CrossFit workouts. 

Fight Gone Bad is a 17 minute workout consisting of three rounds of:

1 minute Wallballs
1 minute Sumo Deadlift High Pulls 75#m/55#w
1 minute Box Jumps, 20″
1 minute Push Press, 75#m/55#w
1 minute Row (for calories)
1 minute Rest

Your score is the total number of reps you do, plus the total number of calories burned during the rows.  Each athlete has a coach who counts their reps and cheers them on. 

Fight Gone Bad always feels like an event, and that Saturday it felt even more so.  There were a lot of spectators.  10 athletes competed at a time, so everyone who wasn't competing or coaching watched and cheered.  Some friends and family also came out to cheer people on, which was pretty cool. 

One day, I will pull off Fight Gone Bad with the 55 lb barbells prescribed for ladies.  This time, though, I went with 42 lbs for both the SDHPs and the presses.  I'd done that weight for the SDHPs the last time we did Fight Gone Bad, but this was my first time using 42 for the presses.  I was a little nervous, but I wanted to give it a shot and it worked out just fine.  (I also used a lighter ball for wallballs aimed at a shorter target.) 

Having a good Fight Gone Bad coach is critical because the fatigue sets in very quickly.  I asked my friend D to be my coach, and he was awesome.  Without someone telling me to pick the bar back up when I set it down (or dropped it), or to pound out five more reps, and then five more reps again, I'd be tempted to listen to voice in my head telling me that I'm tired, that it hurts, that I've done enough.  D was tough and I wanted to kill him more than once during those 17 minutes, and that's precisely the what I was looking for.  (I didn't get to be a coach this time around because of the numbers, but that's also very fun.)

The two worst stations for me are the push press and the wallballs.  I really do dread the wallballs.  The good thing about one minute rounds, though, is that as soon as you arrive at your least favorite station, it's nearly over.  60 seconds can feel long, but not that long.  You can do anything for a minute.

Despite the heavier weights for the push presses, I scored 229, four reps higher than my July score.  Woohoo!

Hopefully it won't be too long till we do Fight Gone Bad again.  I'll keep you posted!

-Gym Belle-


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Reader Comments (1)

It has been a beautiful gym where lots of people can do the excercises for keeping them fit. The boxers also are interested in doing the excercises so as to keep their body fit. Famous boxers like mosley also are going to gym daily. I like to watch the boxing match especially i lke to
watch pacquiao vs mosley

April 13, 2011 | Unregistered Commentersmithkline

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