The Newport Half Marathon: Some Final Thoughts
In yesterday's post, I focused on my PR and how I think I pulled that off. I didn't want to leave the subject behind, though, without sharing what a nice race this what, time aside.
The weather was perfect. It was probably high forties/low fifties. The wind had died down from the previous day. Only one gust during the race threatened my hat. It was sunny. I actually got a some color during the run.
I started out in 3/4 length tights a tank top and a long sleeved shirt. By mile two, I tossed the long sleeved shirt. (RIP If found on ground, please drag across the finish line shirt.) My only wardrobe hiccup occurred right at the beginning. I had stuck an extra GU pack in the back pocket of my pants. It bothered me. I felt like it was going to weigh my pants down. So, as we trudged up the first hill, I tossed my Mint Chocolate GU. I also managed to toss the $20 I'd put in that pocket. (So, perhaps it was my sacrifice to the race gods that earned me my PR? Hmm.)
The course was beautiful. We ran past grazing sheep and alpacas and, of course, the mansions along the water. The steepest hill came at the beginning. After that, the hills were rolling and not too bad.
About 5,000 people ran that day, which was enough to feel like a race, but I always had room to maneuver. Some of those people were running a full marathon, and I was very happy not to be one of them.
All my friends that I travelled to RI with had an awesome race. M finished 35th overall with an amazing time of 1:27:58. S (our group organizer) finished in 2:05:06 and Mr. S finished in 1:46:42. My cousin A came in at a super speedy 1:52:36. (Watch out for S & A in the New York Marathon next month!)
After the race, there was live music and (free!) beer and pizza and Gatorade.
It wasn't the most organized race, and there definitely could've been a few more water stations along the way, but it was a lot of fun and I would totally run it again.
-Gym Belle
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