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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Shameless Plug: Gym Belle Needs You!

Yay! I've been selected to ride in the Cyko Challenge! (Ok, so my name got picked out of a hat, but yay!) What is the Cyko Challenge, you ask? It's a 4 hour spin session this coming Saturday to celebrate the grand opening of the new Zone Hampton studio in Soho. If you ride for all 4 hours and keep up with everything the instructor says to do, you get 50 free sessions!!! Amazing!

There's one catch, you need to have 5 friends show up during the event (between 9 and 1) in order to get the sessions. People, I want this!!! To help entice you, they will be giving away gift bags and "treats" and there will be a Lululemon trunk show. Plus, you can check out the awesome moving bikes. Plus, I'll be your best friend. So, come! Stop by, cheer me on and then go eat brunch in Soho like normal people do on Saturday mornings. Who's in?

-Gym Belle-


Not Quite Breaking News

Physique 57 classes aren't the kind of thing you do for calorie burn. Still, at the end of the day I'm a calories-in calories-out kind of girl so I've always been curious. Now that I've got a working heart rate monitor again, I decided to test it out. I took an open level class this afternoon. I ran a lot (for me) this morning, so I may have been a little tired, but I felt ok. I guessed that I'd burn about 200, which is what I used to burn during an average session with my trainer. The verdict: 224.


She's Alive

I do have a pulse! After buying two non-functional Suunto T3 heart rate monitors from City Sports last week, I gave up on the idea of trying something new and went back to the Polar F6. (Despite the issues, I have to say that everyone at City Sports was very nice.) I can happily say that in Marion's 45 min. class at ZoneHampton this morning, I burned 318 calories, hit 175 as my max and averaged at 145. I would've guessed the numbers would be higher - this was a tough class - so this is good to know.

I spent the walk down there justifying the impulse spend: (1) Equinox 74 has no early am classes on Tuesdays; (2) it's raining so I'd have to run indoors (3) perfect excuse to get the good coffee from Food Emporium on the way home. Once there, however, I had no regrets other than my choice of bikes. I'm guessing "ow" yelping guy behind me got his coffee before class.

-Gym Belle-

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