Aftermath of Angie
On New Year's Eve, I was convinced to go off program and do Angie (100 pull-ups, 100 push-ups, 100 sit ups, 100 squats) with a group of friends at the gym. It wasn't a hard sell. I like the benchmarks, and particularly Angie because it was one of the first WODs that I could do Rx'ed.
We toyed with idea of using weight vests. I'm so glad we didn't.
The pull-ups started off fine, but fell off really fast. Later, I realized that because of my should injury in the fall and then my squat program, I hadn't really done pull-ups in months. The good news - I got through them. The bad news - it was slow, and I don't know that my chin made it over the bar for the last 10 or so. My right hand ripped at 92. I forgot how much that hurts.
The push-ups were a bit slower than usual, but not bad. I got through the situps unbroken, and the airsquats quickly, but there was no making up for the pull-ups (and the pit stop to wash out the rip mid-WOD). I finished in a sad 37:13.
And nearly a week later, I am insanely sore. As in, can't snatch, can't jerk sore. Ugh!
If I stick with my squat program all the way through, I'll finish up right around the start of the Open. I've gotten a lot stronger over the past two months, but Angie was a wakeup call. My gains have come at a cost, and I need to figure out what I want to prioritize for the first part of this year.
The program is working well for me from a strength standpoint. I comfortably squat triples at weights that were 1 rep maxes for me just two months ago. That's huge. Also, I like being on a program, and I like the idea of seeing it through to the end.
But I know that when the Open rolls around, I'll want to be able to perform at my best. And I'm supposed to be running the NYC Half Marathon in March, too. I can just wing it, but if I want a PR, I should train.
I haven't made up my mind - but I'm leaning towards winding down the program towards the end of this month, and re-focusing on what I've been neglecting.
I'll keep you posted.
-Gym Belle-
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