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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Number Crunching

Ever since March turned into April, I've been on a self-reflective and fairly analytic kick.  What's driving me isn't any one particular end result, but rather the desire to see steady progress.  Plateaus are a natural part of training, but I think that I've been been too accepting of them in the past.  I suspect that I'd see more improvement if I raised my expectations.

Not surprisingly, some of my 2013 goals are coming along better than others.  I wanted to bring my snatch up from 60lbs to 85, and, as of this morning, I'm at 78.  [Insert happy dance here].  On the other hand, I haven't done much about my lack of muscle ups or my lackluster double unders.

For whatever reason, I didn't set any specific 2013 running goals.  I have some rowing goals, and I suppose last year's unmet goal of a 1:55 half marathon still counts, but that's it for endurance.  Still, I'm committed to getting faster, and I'm excited to see that happening.

A few weeks ago, I hit a PR in a 4 mile race: 33:03 (8:16 pace).  In February of 2010, my 4 mile race time was 35:00 (8:45 pace).  I credit  CrossFit Endurance programming with the change. 

Speaking of which, this week I programmed six 400m time trial sprints with 3:30 rest between them for CrossFit Metropolis' endurance group.  I tackled this yesterday, and I thought it went ok:

  1. 1:39 (6:38 pace)
  2. 1:41 (6:46 pace)
  3. 1:35 (6:22 pace)
  4. 1:40 (6:42 pace)
  5. 1:49 (7:19 pace) (got stuck in park traffic on this one!)
  6. 1:42 (6:50 pace)

This morning, I took at look at my old times to compare them.  I had never done this exact workout, but on September 13, 2011 - while I was training for the marathon - I did eight 400m with 2:00 rest between them.  That went like this:

  1. .22mi 1:37 (7:17 pace)
  2. .25mi 1:45 (7:01 pace)
  3. .25mi 1:48 (7:13 pace)
  4. .25mi 1:54 (7:30 pace)
  5. .25mi 1:55 (7:37 pace)
  6. .25mi 2:05 (8:26 pace)
  7. .26mi 1:59 (7:48 pace)
  8. .25mi 1:56 (7:52 pace)

Yes, the rest period was shorter, and that makes a difference, but I think it's safe to say that I'm moving faster these days.  

Onward and upward... 

-Gym Belle-


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    Great! I facebooked this

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