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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Week in Review 3/17/13

It's been a hectic month, and I am seriously behind in my weekly updates.  It would take a lot of effort to recreate the two missing weeks.  Instead, I'll give you the highlights:

  1. 5K PR: 26:05
  2. Snatch PR: 75 lbs (three times!)
  3. Tried Kira Stokes' Rip Ride at Revolve with the Fitmapped crew (first spin class in a long time)
  4. Tried 13.1 twice on my birthday - scored 100 both times. 

And now back to our regularly scheduled programming.




Adult Gymnastics at Chelsea Piers.  

I had always been curious to try this class, and this week I really needed the playtime.  The class was 90 minutes long.  For the first 30 minutes, we stretched and then worked on hollow position holds and pushups - all good stuff.  The stretching made me feel less guilty about skipping yoga to go to gymnastics.  Once we were warm, we worked on kicking up to free-standing handstands, and then we started tumbling.  I was a mess, but the instructors were really encouraging.  I'm thinking that I should add a back handspring to my 2013 goals.


Oly Practice: Lots of shoulder mobility/accessory work, and then worked up to three 70lb snatches.

WOD: This was an utter disaster of double-unders and 95lb backsquats.  I still have whip marks all over my arms.


10K time trial: 56:03.  This was a beautiful sunrise run with a friend, but not the true time trial I meant to do. I know I can do this  faster.  My 10K PR from 2011 is 54:04.


Shoulder mobility/accessory work.


Oly Practice: Snatch: 53x2-58-63-68-73(f)-73(f)-73(f)-73(f)-73-73-73.  This was awesome.  Even though I technically snatched 75lbs three times last week, they were all super ugly power snatches, so, in a way, 73lbs felt like a PR.  And after four failed reps, it felt so good to start making that lift.

CrossFit Games Open WOD 13.2 (10 minute AMRAP of 5 75lb shoulder-to-overheads, 10 75lb deadlifts and 15 box jumps/step-ups at 20"): 195 reps.  I fell short of my 7 round goal, but I was happy with it.  Getting 75lbs overhead is no joke for me.  I jerked from the beginning, which I think was the right call.  Unfortunately, I had to break up the last two sets of five; that slowed me down a lot.  


Endurance WOD: 3x 1000m sprints with 3 minutes rest between sprints:

1) 4:42 (7:34 pace)
2) 4:34 (7:21 pace)
3) 4:37 (7:26 pace)

-Gym Belle-

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