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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Week in Review 2/17/2013


Front Squats: 9 sets of 3 reps on the minute, and a 10th set at a lighter weight till failure.  I did the 9 sets at 93lbs, and the 10th at 73lbs with 11 reps.

Metcon: 3 rounds of 1 minute each of max reps of kettlebell swings, plank-to-squats, thrusters and toes-to-bar.  I used 1 pood and 53 lbs for the thrusters.  I couldn't manage to move and count simultaneously, so I took a smiley for this one.  This was a brutal WOD on the heels of some really brutal front squats.




Oly Practice: Lots of snatch drills followed by snatches at 63lbs.

Cashout: 5 rounds not for time of 10 reps per side of single-arm overhead squats with an 8kg kettlebell, max deadhang pull-ups (5-5-4-4-4), and 15 back extensions.

I also played with red band MU’s for fun. I love those, but I need a thinner band to make them harder.


Bench press: 83x1 88x1, 93x1, 98x1, 103(f), 100(f)

Cashout: 40 overhead squats at 33 lbs, 40 GHD sit-ups, 40 back extensions 


5x1000m row with 1 minute rest between rounds:

  • 4:58
  • 5:03
  • 5:07
  • 5:05
  • 5:07 

I was exhausted after the row, but messed around with clean and jerks at 58 lbs to get a feel for my new oly shoes!


Oly Practice: 5 Snatches at 53lbs (77% of 1 rep max), and 5 clean and jerks at 68lbs (77% of 1 rep max).  These were fine, but felt light and I felt like I should've at least had 58 on the bar, even though that's a higher percentage than was prescribed.

Backsquats: 113x1, 118x1, 123x1, 128x1, 133(f).  I thought the 128 was a PR, but it turns out I did 128 on 12/27.  Not getting 133 really, really frustrated me.  I should have that.  I should have a lot more.  I lost tension at the bottom, though, and it just wasn't going to happen.  It took me a good few hours to shake off the grumpies to come back to the gym for the Valentine's Day Throwdown.

Throwndown: With a 12 minute cap, run 800 meters and do 30 pull-ups.  In the remaining time, move as much weight as possible doing thrusters at a weight of your choice. 

The only thing I hate seeing more in a WOD than thrusters is double-unders.  Thrusters are always a struggle for me; I lack the shoulder mobility to do them well.  So, even if I hadn't been pissed about my backsquat, I wouldn't have been psyched about this.  Luckily, my friends were there - Paige and Angela even did the run with me to keep me motivated - and I had about seven people cheering me on through the pull-ups and thrusters.  My strategy was go super light and try to bust out at least 75 reps.  I didn't get there, but overall I think the strategy worked.  I did 66 reps at 35lbs, for a total of 2,310 lbs - the 27th best score in the gym, and the 4th best female score.  


4 mile fun run in the cold.  

Open Gym: 5 sets of 5 single-arm overhead squats on each side with 8kg; 5x5 sots presses at 32lbs; 50 sit-ups for time (but I didn't actually look at the clock); banded muscle-up practice.  

-Gym Belle-

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