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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Pump Games Recap: Event 5

Before I knew it, it was time for the last event.  It went as follows: five 35lb dumbbell snatches with each arm, five burpees, and then a 20 meter farmer's carry, then five dumbbell snatches with each arm, 10 burpees and a 20 meter farmer's carry, then five dumbbell snatches with each arm, 15 burpees and a 20 meter farmer's carry, and finally five dumbbell snatches with each arm, 20 burpees and a 60 meter farmer's carry.

I was nervous about getting this done in the 10 minutes allowed.  35lbs seemed heavy for the snatches.  And if you dropped the dumbbell at any point, there was a 20 burpee penalty.

I moved slower than I would have liked through the snatches and the farmer's carries, so I really tried to fly through the burpees.  That was easier on the five and 10 rep rounds.  The 15 burpees felt awful; at least when I hit 20, I knew the end was in sight.  

All in all, this WOD wasn't so bad.  When I set the dumbbell down that last time, I was really psyched to have gotten through all those snatches.  I got no-repped twice, but I never dropped the dumbbell.

-Gym Belle-





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