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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Pressing On

Tonight's workout at CrossFit Metropolis was strict presses followed by 3 rounds of 400m sprints and 30 kettlebell swings.

The presses felt pretty good.  We did six sets of three, and the idea was to build up to a three rep max.  I had a general sense of where I was heading.  Last week, I banged out a bunch of presses at 57 lbs, but then failed to get even one up at 62.  (I was mad because my one rep max is 65.)  To make things more interesting, Coach B added a 20 burpee penalty for any missed reps.

So, I was conservative and started out with 35 lbs.  That went up easy, as did 45 lbs and 50.  It wasn't until I got to 55 lbs that I felt like I was really working for it.  I did two sets at 55, and then went for 60 on my last set.  I had to squeeze that last rep up a bit, but I got it.  No burpees!

The metcon was pretty grueling.  The women's prescribed weight for the kettlebell swings was 1.5 pood (~54 lbs); I went with 1 (~36 lbs).  We had a 10 minute cap.  I didn't finish.  I ran out of time somewhere in the third sprint.  It was the kettlebell swings that slowed me down.  1 pood is still pretty heavy for me.

And now it is time for bed.  Sleep tight, everyone!

-Gym Belle-


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