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Thoughts on Sunday's 15K



Sunday's 15K was an odd race, mostly because I was out of my routine.  For one thing, I've ran four times since New Years, and never longer than five miles.  

Also, the race started at 11:15.  The late start made me think that staying out till midnight and eating breakfast before the race would be fine.  Staying out would've worked out ok, except that I was so keyed up from the night that I really didn't sleep.  I woke up early so that I'd have time to digest.  The problem was that I didn't know what to eat.  I've cut grains out of my diet, so I opted for an omelet with lox and onions.  Six miles in, I cramped up and stayed cramped for the rest of the race.  Why didn't I just have a banana?  I don't know.  I guess the lack of sleep meant I wasn't thinking so clearly.

The weather was also wierd.  It was one of those no-win in-between temperatures.  I wore capri pants and my under armour turtle neck and was hot.  My friend who ran in less said she was freezing. 

I raced in my Inov-8 238's, which I had only worn twice before.  I also ran in my knee bands for the first time.  The shoes were great.  I blistered a tad, but it was the kind of blistering that's gone the next day.  The knee bands get annoying after a while, but they do make me feel more confident and I think that helps with speed.

I had told myself that I wasn't going to treat this as a race, but as a training run for the half I'm doing next month in Vienna.  I more or less stuck to that and finished in under 1:27.

This is where it gets interesting.  If I stuck to my average pace from the 15K for 13.1 miles, I would finish in 2 hours and 56 seconds.  You see where this is going?  I think I'm too close not to try to go sub-2 in Vienna.  I wasn't planning on really racing Vienna, and I don't know that I can beat my last half marathon time (1:57 something), but I'm starting to want to try.

I'll keep you posted.

-Gym Belle-

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