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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Ciao, 2011!

Ring dips at CrossFit Metropolis2011 was a big year.  I ran the New York marathon and the Vienna half.  My sister became an Ironman.  I tossed an old lady.  I participated in my first CrossFit competition - and then did a few more with Team Metropolis.  I won a trampoline.  I wrote a poem.  There were lots of PRs and epic fails.  And the year's going out with a bang - a ginormous bruise/scrape from (yet another) box jump fail this morning. 

Resolutions really aren't my thing.  Goals I like, though.  So, here's what's on the shortlist for 2012:

  • To beat my best half marathon time (1:57:36) in the NYC Half in March.
  • To do a muscle up.
  • A 200+ lb deadlift (still at 190...since March).
  • To string together more than two consecutive double-unders.  This is long overdue.
  • To do Fran as Rx'd in under 30 minutes.

I'll keep you posted.  Happy New Year, everyone!

-Gym Belle-

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  • Response
    Response: Glennie G Blad
    Gympressions - Blog - Ciao, 2011!

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