A Goal is Born
Last week I had the flu. I didn't work out. I didn't do much of anything. Yesterday, I finally made it back to yoga and today I went to CrossFit.
I did five pullups without leaving the bar. That was a PR by two pullups, so I was pretty pysched. (I'm really hoping that it wasn't just because I didn't eat much last week!)
Then we did Fight Gone Bad. FGB is one of my favorite workouts, but it's a rough one to come back to after being sick. I did not PR. In fact, my score dropped by 30 points from 229 to 199. (Although I did use 45 lbs barbells this time and last time I used 42 lbs barbells, so that probably cost me a few reps.) Anyway, I wasn't expecting much today so I wasn't too disappointed.
I did come to a decision, though. I really want to do this workout as it's prescribed for women. That means using 55 lb barbells for the sumo deadlift high pulls and push presses, and 14 lbs for the wall balls instead of 10. I'm going to make this happen in 2011.
I'll keep you posted.
-Gym Belle
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