Caution: Not For the Faint of Heart
The irony is that I didn't run the 15K that I had signed up for this morning mostly because I was nervous about loosing a toenail. I've been lucky so far, but my two middle toenails have been looking ever so slightly compromised lately, and I'm going away in a week and want to wear open-toed shoes.
Instead, I met my friend D at the gym and did a 30 minute AMRAP* of five 115 lb deadlifts, 13 pushups and nine box jumps. Somewhere around round seven, I slipped or tripped and scraped myself on the metal box. Everyone does it at one point or another. It hurt, and still hurts, like heck, but it's just a scrape. The important thing is that I finished the WOD (12 full rounds, + five deadlifts and one pushup).
I'm sure there's a moral in here somewhere. Maybe it will come to me when I'm sporting a bruise with my shorts next week. At least my toes willl look pretty.
-Gym Belle-
* As many rounds as possible
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