A Thousand Words, Indeed
Two nights ago, I did something I've never done before: I ordered one of those insanely over-priced digital photos of myself in a race.
The email advertising the pictures from the Newport half came while I was going through my pictures of the New York City Marathon, so perhaps I was just caught up in race excitement? Or perhaps I felt obligated since Capstone had managed to capture nine decent shots of me near the finish line? In any event, it was an impulsive decision. I didn't study the picture too closely until after I'd received my purchase via email the next day.
When I opened the file, I felt pretty silly. While this was a great race, I am so not happy in this picture. The four minutes preceeding this particular moment had been hell. Usually, I sprint towards a finish line. That day, I had sprinted too early and wasn't able to charge the end. I wanted to be done, and I thought I might be sick. Why had I wanted a picture of this?
And why this picture? I'm making a face. Admittedly, this isn't as bad as my usual running grimace. Still, my brow is furrowed. I'm red. I'm clutching what must be the remains of my GU. And holy heel strike, Batman! Do I really run like that?
As I considered the image more, though, I saw something different: I'm running. Not only that, I'm about to cross the finish line of my second half marathon. I'm five weeks away from my next half marathon. In fact, at that very moment, I had several more races planned and not once did I contemplate not running them, despite the pain. Even then, I was looking forward to the next.
So, I think it's safe to say I've made sillier purchases.
-Gym Belle-
Have you ever bought an official race photo?
Reader Comments (2)
I think you look great here!
I bought a picture from the Queens Half. It was my Worst Race Ever, but it was such a good picture that I splurged. I normally look like a monster when I'm running, so I figured it might be my only chance.
Have a great weekend!
I think this is a great shot! You can see the determination to finish the race, I like 'real' shots! I would have bought mine too! The last time I bought an 'event' photo was when I went swimming with dolphins in Cancun, Mexico! :-)