What I Was Thinking the Night Before I Ran the Newport Half Marathon
[I didn't post Saturday night because I didn't have time to edit, but I figure it's worth sharing my raw thoughts from the night before the race before I post the recap.]
It's very pretty here in Newport, but somewhat cold and very windy which has me a little nervous for tomorrow's half marathon.
My biggest worry is that my hat will fly off during the race and my hair will be out of control. I considered throwing a Bondi Band in my bag this morning but couldn't imagine why I'd need one since I was going to wear my hat. I picked up an old school Nike sweatband at the Expo that I may bring with me... We shall see.
When I ran the Disney Princess half in March, my sister was in charge. She told me what to pack, what to drink, what and when to eat. I forgot how much there is to consider. I did remember Body Glide and salt, and I got lucky and found $1.99 throw-away gloves in town. I also bought some snazzy sweats to wear before and after because what I brought with me won't be warm enough. I really hope I haven't overlooked anything too important. I'm definitely going to make myself a checklist for Philly!
I went on a quick run this morning. It felt pretty good. I got to test out the beginning of my new race playlist. I got creative this time and threw in some little old school favorites. Pump Up The Jam is up first. As always, Eminem's Lose Yourself and Till I Collapse come later for the harder miles. I'm psyched.
It's time for dinner now (pasta). Then bed. Then breakfast. Then race!
I'll keep you posted!
-Gym Belle-
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