Physique High
I often joke that Regis & Kelly is G-d's punishment for me not getting my butt out the door by 9am. That said, Kelly Ripa's taste in workouts is impeccable and it's hard to argue with her results.
I don't think I've ever taken a bad class at Physique 57. The instructors are consistently enthusiastic and helpful, the workouts are intense and I always leave with a buzz. Physique also gets my abs better than anything.
Physique's classes offer their own spin on the Lotte Berk method (think ballet meets pilates and throw in a couple rounds of push-ups). You basically burn out the muscles on small, repetitive movements and then stretch them. And when I say burn, I mean burn. The pain - and the shaking that often accompanies it - is no joke.
The 57 minute classes all follow the same pattern. You warm up the upper body with free weights, push-ups and tricep dips. Next comes two rounds of thigh work at the ballet barre. You work one side of your "seat," do another round of thighs and then get in the other seat side before moving to the floor for a few different positions to get your abs. Despite the formal regime, I've never taken two classes that were quite the same. The instructors keep everything moving with almost inhuman (and yet miraculously not annoying) perkiness and upbeat music. You're working too hard get distracted or bored.
The classes are popular, so you're better off signing up in advance and canceling as needed than waiting to the last minute to see if a spot is available. My personal pick for a good first time instructor is Amanda and for a serious ass-kicking is Chanelle, but really you can't go wrong.
-Gym Belle-
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