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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Waiting to Exhale

It's not that I'm fickle. Really, I'm a rather loyal person. But I hear things. And I get curious.

Often enough, when I tell people that I take classes at Physique 57, they tell me that they take classes at Exhale, another studio that offers Lotte Berke based classes. One friend who has done both tells me the classes are similar, but that Exhale is "less intense." For example, the Exhale instructors won't push you to work through the shaking that inevitably occurs when your muscles have had it. My friend is not alone in having dabbled; I see plenty of people in Physique classes wearing Exhale socks. Still, as much as I've been wanting to compare the two myself, I've never really been motivated to choose Exhale over Physique on any given day.

A few weeks ago, however, I got an email from BluePrintCleanse about a new package they are offering in conjunction with Exhale. It's a 3 day juice cleanse plus 3 Exhale classes and 1 Exhale spa service. That- and the 25% off coupon that I've been waiting to use - cinched it.

So, starting tomorrow I'll be doing 3 days of juicing and Exhale classes. I've signed up for open level morning classes at their studio on Madison and 77th. I'll keep you posted.

-Gym Belle-

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