Only When I'm Running. I Swear.
One morning last week, I woke up to find some friends involved in a rousing Facebook debate on the merits of Ke$ha and her hit song Tik Tok - which was the number 1 single on iTunes that day, as it is today. It's undeniably cringe-worthy. As one friend described, "it's like the most annoying girl you knew in high school recorded a song." And what is that accent, anyway?
Enthralled, I scrolled down nodding along. Tik Tok was then compared to Britney's latest hit, 3. I started to notice an alarming trend. I own these songs. In my defense, my iPod also has opera and jazz, rock, some blues even. I have Japanese music and Russian music. Some great French stuff, too. It's not all top 40 ... But, if I'm being honest, most of what I've downloaded lately belongs in squarely the Tik Tok genre.
Back in the dark ages, when I ran on the treadmill at the gym, I had an excuse. I needed the clubby thudding to keep me going. When I first started running outside, I thought I'd moved past it. I could, I discovered, run to all sorts of music. Somewhere along the way, though, I've drifted back to the cheese. And I love it.
Take 3, for example. I downloaded it because it was Britney and it was at the top of the charts and it sounded kind of catchy. It seemed perfect for running, and I was right. The song entertained me for many miles - I won't admit how many - as I tried to figure out what on earth she was singing about. And, despite repeated listens, I still am thrown off by the part where it sounds like she's counting herself twice. (If you can explain this, kindly send me a tasteful email.)
I also like to sing along. This rainy morning on my 7 miler, passersby were treated to snipits not only of Tik Tok and 3, but also of How Low (Ludacris), Hell Breaks Loose (Eminem), Hard (Rihanna), Barcelona (Plastiscines), In My Head (Jason Derulo), Naturally (Selena Gomez), and Why Don't We Just Dance (Josh Turner). I even sang along to the baah ram you part of Bad Romance. (Yes, that is what it sounds like. And don't pretend you didn't see Babe.) I told you, I'm eclectic.
The highlight this morning, though, was Tik Tok. I don't know what it is. She goes from morning to night instantly in the first verse. The way she says "toes" and "clothes" kills me. And Mick Jagger, really? But when she hits the chorus, I'm there. (If they're at a party, technically, the speakers probably aren't hers, but I'm willing to overlook that.) There's just something fun about this one.
Ke$ha, I'm not sure what, but you're obviously doing something right. A word of advice, though: the consonants are free.
-Gym Belle-
Reader Comments (1)
Its a nice kind of stuff. Listening to different kind of music genre while exercising on a gym is nice way also to make a it so fun. Compared to those person who take it so seriously, just to have their desired figure,well they will just end up so stressful. Oh thanks a lot for sharing!