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Gym Belle  - noun  one who enjoys pull-ups, push-ups, lifting things up/putting 'em down, PRs of all kinds, racing, jumping, spinning, daring and blogging re same (more here)


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Core Fusion as a CrossFitter

Earlier this month, Exhale invited the FiTMAPPED FitReps to come try a complimentary Core Fusion Class.  We also received a pass for another class and a discount offer on a spa treatment.  Core Fusion is a ballet barre-based class (a la the Lotte Berk Method) that combines pilates, yoga and dance elements.

The first thing that struck me about my first Core Fusion class in well over two years was the quiet when I entered.  The class was full, and women were gathering their dumbbells and staking out their spots in the room, but aside from a few hushed conversations between pairs of friends, no one was talking.  The instructor was the only one who introduced herself.

I grabbed 5 lb dumbbells and found a spot towards the back of the room.  Much to my chagrin, those stupid dumbbells felt really heavy after a few minutes.  I remembered the arm sequence being hard, and I had spent two hours at the box lifting that morning, but still.  I wondered if the other women in the class realized that they could handle far more weight in another context, with more efficient movements.  

We moved to the barre and the rhetoric jolted me out of my musings.  The instructor - who was excellent in so many ways - kept talking about "feeling the burn" and "calories."  She preached the value of core strength for runners and spinners.  I was out of my element.

I enjoyed my time at the barre.  I liked the challenge of trying to get through each sequence without stopping.  I was pleased that most of the movements came back to me, and, at the risk of sounding oddly narcissistic, it was nice to look in the mirror for thirty minutes.  I admired my traps.

I used to do these workouts four or five days a week.  (I was a Physique 57 person more than a Core Fusion person, but the differences are less striking from a distance.)  I loved these classes.  I enjoyed the challenge - and how they made me look.  I liked feeling graceful, long and lean.  

In my early CrossFit days, I was loath to drop Physique entirely.  Physique offered a welcome counterbalance to what I saw as a sweaty, grunting testosterone fest.  In time, though, my perception of CrossFit changed.  I came to recognize beauty in strength, and grace in well-executed lifts.  I learned that overhead squats are the best core workout.  These days, the only length I care about is hitting triple extension in my Olympic lifts.

"You can't go home again," I sighed as I gathered up my things.  My thoughts wandered back to my snatch. 

-Gym Belle-





Week in Review 1/20/13


Yoga at Remorca Studio.


I did my first ever strict handstand push-ups in the warm-up! (PR)  I did them with one ab-mat between 25 lb plates.  To me, this looks flat, but I know that some people wouldn't count those as Rx'd, so take them for what they're worth.

Diane with approx. 12 min cutoff: I went Rx'd and got through the 21's and the 15 deadlifts, and was 5 handstand push-ups in when time was called.  We were supposed to go hard and fast, but I wanted to practice this weight for the upcoming Queens competition, so I stuck to Rx.


Oly Practice:

Power cleans: 73x3, 83x2 93x1 (failed the second attempt), 88x2, 93x2, 98x1 (failed the second attempt), 98x1 (failed the second attempt), 98(f), 88x2

I really wasn't happy with this - too many missed lifts.  98 lbs is my current one rep max, so this was heavy, but still.  The bar was getting out in front of me.


Backsquats: 103x3, 108x3, 113x2, 118x2, 123x2, 128(f)

125 is (still) my one rep max in backsquats, so doing two at 123 felt pretty good.

Metcon: 9-6-3 chest to bar pull-ups and heavy thrusters: I used 63 lbs and finished in 4:04.  I was happy with my pull-ups - chest to bar felt pretty easy - but my thrusters were sluggish.




Oodles of snatch practice.  If I compete in the Rx division in Queens, one WOD has 75lb snatches in it.  Going into Friday, my one rep max for a full snatch was 63 lbs and for a power snatch was 65 lbs.  I managed to do a few power snatches at 68 (PR!), but I failed at 73 lbs.  I just couldn't make myself get under the bar.  I then did 3 power snatches at 58 lbs every minute on the minute for 10 minutes.  Each time, it felt like my first and third lifts were ok, but the second ones got sloppy.  I attempted a few more heavier snatches after that, and then called it a day.

I also messed around with handstand push-ups and double-unders.


Oly Practice:

Snatches: 63x2, 63x2, 68x1 (failed the second attempt - but a snatch PR), 68x1 (failed the second attempt), 68(f), 68(f).

I was glad I got my ass down under the 68 lbs, but I was annoyed to miss so many lifts again.

5 sets of 2 snatch pulls at 73 lbs.

Front squats: 88x2 93x2 98x2 103(1)(failed the second attempt), 98x2


Impromptu rest day.  Sick as a dog.  Basically spent the day lying down.



FiTMAPPED recently asked me to become a FitRep for 2013, and I happily accepted.  FiTMAPPED is a website and app that functions as a searchable database for all things fitness in NYC and Los Angeles.  Want to find an inexpensive yoga class near your office in Chelsea?  A martial arts class in the  near your boyfriend's place in the East Village?  Five-star spin in Brooklyn?  The top-rated CrossFit boxes in the city?  No problem.  The lovely ladies behind FiTMAPPED have made searching for fitness as easy as searching for Chinese food.  FiTMAPPED is social and features user reviews, so you have lots of information to evaluate your options and a place to share your thoughts with others.

As a FitRep, I'll be sampling various classes around the city, posting reviews and generally getting the word out about FiTMAPPED.  (Full disclosure - this means comped classes and occasional swag.)  Last week the FitReps were invited to sample a Core Fusion class at Exhale.  I'll be sharing more about that soon!

-Gym Belle-  

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